Compute Performance of NVIDIA Quadro K600

    • Advanced Compute
    • dGPU
    • dGPU
    • Level Set Segmentation – 128
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • Level Set Segmentation – 256
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • Local Tone Mapping 2K
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • Local Tone Mapping 4K
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • Game Effects
    • dGPU
    • dGPU
    • Ocean Surface Simulation
    • 187.68 Iterations/s
    • 1844.356 Iterations/s
    • Catmull-Clark Subdivision Level 3
    • 13.917 mTriangles/s
    • 113.953 mTriangles/s
    • Catmull-Clark Subdivision Level 5
    • 14.802 mTriangles/s
    • 175.806 mTriangles/s
    • N-Body simulation – 128k
    • 11.429 Iterations/s
    • 182.479 Iterations/s
    • N-Body simulation – 1024k
    • 1.521 Iterations/s
    • 30.683 Iterations/s
    • High Quality Computer Generated Imagery and Rendering
    • dGPU
    • dGPU
    • Vertex Connection and Merging
    • 0.407 mPixels/s
    • 6.597 mPixels/s
    • Subsurface Scattering
    • 100.505 mSample/s
    • 2856.393 mSample/s
    • Subsurface Scattering multiple view
    • 97.872 mSample/s
    • 2616.147 mSample/s
    • Computer Vision
    • dGPU
    • dGPU
    • TV-L1 Optical Flow
    • 1.262 mPixels/s
    • 20.445 mPixels/s
  • Windows
  • OpenCL
    Discrete GPU
  • NVIDIA Quadro K600

Results from other configurations are available.