CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition released

January 10, 2012

Kishonti Informatics, world leader in performance optimization services today announced CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition, the multiplatform benchmark solution for OpenCL™ 1.1. Our latest product enables measurement of compute performance of desktop grade CPUs and GPUs utilizing the OpenCL standard.

CLBenchmark 1.1. Desktop Edition is a suite of OpenCL 1.1 standard compliant benchmark tests. These include high-level measurements like raytracing, image processing and physical simulation - the major fields of the utilization of parallel programming.

However, even a well-selected set of use cases cannot match every possible workload, so the developer team of Kishonti Informatics added synthetic memory tests and other low-level parallel programming principles.

CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition is compatible with all the well-known OpenCL implementations, and was tested on every major operating systems to make the parallel comparison of a wide range of systems possible. CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition also delivers streamlined multi-device support to measure the peak unified performance of the various processors of personal computers.

''There is a significantly growing need of delivering accurate OpenCL performance data. With the help of CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition it would be available for everyone to gain a real performance data of CPU and GPU being tested in a given environment.'' - Laszlo Kishonti, General Manager of Kishonti Informatics said.

Like Kishonti Informatic's other popular benchmark solutions, CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition will provide a transparent and public OpenCL performance database free for everyone at


CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition is available now for corporate licensing on Windows, Linux and OS X.The free consumer edition is expected to be released in Q2 2012.


High-resolution video of the ray trace test of CLBenchmark 1.1 Desktop Edition is available here.

About Kishonti Informatics

Kishonti Informatics is a leading specialist in performance optimization software technologies and a worldwide leader in CPU and GPU performance analytics and benchmarking. Its performance optimization, software development capabilities and its testing tools and benchmarking services are widely used by hardware manufacturers, software developers and enthusiastic consumers worldwide.

Kishonti Informatics Ltd.
Szépvölgyi út 39. 1037 Budapest - Hungary
Ph: +36 1 336 0033 Fax: +36 1 336 0034

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